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 Naphtha To Ethane/Propane (NEP)


A Bankable Investment for
Sustainable Petrochemicals

Honeywell UOP's Naphtha to Ethane/Propane (NEP) process efficiently converts light naphtha and butanes into ethane and propane, providing a flexible, cost-effective, and sustainable solution for ethylene and propylene production. NEP optimizes yields, reduces CO2 emissions, and addresses challenges in the dynamic olefins industry. With an inventive new Naphtha to Ethane and Propane process (NEP), Honeywell UOP has transformed ethylene production to help producers meet challenging market conditions and outperform competitors. 

Increase Yield
of high-value light olefins

Increase Operating Profit
per MT Feed

Reduce Cash Cost of Production
per MT Light Olefin

Reduce CAPEX
per MT Light Olefin

5-50%² Lower CO2 Intensity
Per MT of Light Olefin

Improve Flexibility
Feedstock and products

Key Applications of NEP


Petrochemical Transformation: Overcoming Challenges in the Olefins Industry with Naphtha to Ethane/Propane (NEP) Technology

Join us to learn more about Honeywell UOP’s newly launched Naphtha to Ethane/Propane (NEP) technology.


Transformative Naphtha To Ethane/Propane (NEP)

With an inventive new Naphtha to Ethane and Propane process (NEP), Honeywell UOP has transformed ethylene production to help producers meet challenging market conditions and outperform competitors.

Ready To Connect?

Contact us to schedule a meeting with our sales team to discuss how Honeywell UOP can help you


2Based on UOP crude to petrochemical studies (ID#0033, ID#0034, ID#0035) using standard UOP simulations models and methodologies to estimate combined Scope 1-3 emissions