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Carbon Capture Solutions Are Critical In The Path Toward Net Zero

Transforming the global economy to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by mid-century is essential to avoid dangerous effects of climate change. CCUS is an important lever in limiting the global rise in temperature to less than 1.5 degrees Celsius. Without it, in fact, it will be practically impossible to reach shared climate goals while achieving business outcomes. For more than a century, Honeywell’s commitment to innovation has helped businesses overcome the most difficult problems of their era – and today, we’re helping organizations like yours realize the social and economic benefits of operating more sustainably. Honeywell UOP can deliver a variety of industry-leading CCUS solutions, tailored for individual customers from a variety of industries. Our experts can work with you to determine the best solution to meeting your particular CO₂ emission goals.

Custom Solutions For A Universal Challenge

Industrial Market Segments

Carbon capture solutions help significantly reduce CO2 emissions1 from hard-to-abate industries across a wide-range of feedstocks.

Ready to start your journey to carbon neutrality?


1. “Significant reductions” refers to 90% overall CO2 capture, as demonstrated in pilot-scale test campaigns at UT-Austin pilot plant and National Carbon Capture Center using flue gas from both coal and natural gas combined cycle sources.  CCUS power plants operating today capture around 90% of the CO2 from flue gas (https://www.iea.org/reports/ccus-in-power).

2. Lower cost of CO2 capture based on comparing estimated capital and operating costs of this solution against other conventional amine solvents in same applications. CO2 pricing considers current policies of $50/ton tax credit (USA per IRS Section 45Q for permanent storage) and $60/ton (UK and Europe – approximate averages from August 2021 thru country/regional Emission Trading Systems and as reported by IHS Markit).